Tag Archives: right to try

Access To Stem Cell Therapy: Progress In 2015

Patients For Stem Cells (PFSC) is a group of patients faced with no-option medical conditions. Many of us have been early adopters of stem cell therapy, and are only here today because it saved our lives. Frustrated by slow adoption in the U.S, we advocate for expedited access. We are very pleased to share with our readers that 2015 has brought watershed changes in legislation that lays the foundation to implement this goal. Leaders in the regenerative medicine field have outlined how access can become a reality. Implementation in on the horizon, and will be in focus at this landmark conference.

The Alliance for the Advancement of Cellular Therapies (AACT), organizer of this event, is a welcome new ally, the bridge between patients, government and regenerative medicine leaders who can finally make real change happen. ACCT is dedicated to the ethical, efficacious, and expeditious advancement of cell therapies.
To help spread awareness and education about cellular therapy, AACT can send a personal conference invite to your doctor, send a request to info@AACT.co

Kathy Hebert

Patients are core stakeholders of ACCT, thanks to President and Co-Founder Kathy Hebert.Her personal experience with life-changing cellular therapies ignited her passion to bring everyone together to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.
For the conference, Kathy has brought together a group of presenters, keynoted by Arnold Caplan,Ph.D. Mark Holterman, MD. Ph.D.ACCT Chairman and Co-Founder, and Paolo Macchiarini, MD, Ph.D

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Leading up to the conference we will profile the contributions these luminaries have already made to the lives of patients, as architects of accelerated access, and best in-class clinicians utilizing cell therapy to address difficult disease such as heart failure, auto immune disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, osteoarthritis, and more.

Presenters will also include those involved in legislation that swept the nation as 22 states passed “Right To Try” laws for terminally ill patients to access experimental therapies, including biologics like stem cells. Then on July 10th, 2015 the 21st Century Cures Act was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, also addressing ways to speed regenerative medicine access. Now is the time for us to dive into the details of all these initiatives, and make sure our best interests as patients are met.

A special thank you to Dr. Camillo Ricordi for publishing the Proceedings of the AACT conference in


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